Well, enough is enough. This is not who I am. It's not who I was meant to be. It's time to do something...seriously.
Don't get me wrong. It's not as thought I've done nothing. Close, but not quite. I've tried many diets through the years, but nothing seemed to work. Actually, let me clarify. The diets were fine....I didn't work. It's like I lost all will to try. I would try a diet for maybe one week, and then I would give up. That's sad...REALLY sad.
My weight is affecting every aspect of my life, and it's time to get control. So that's why I'm here. I'm tired of hiding away in my home, and sticking my head in the sand thinking that the problem will just disappear. It's NOT disappearing, and it's getting worse!
So this is my solution...sharing my journey with the whole world--with anyone who will read this. Hiding has been my downfall, and has allowed me to get into the shape I'm in. So I figure this blog is the exact opposite of hiding. It's time to face reality, and face it I will...with all of you seeing it. My journey will be filled with progress reports, photos (yep, PHOTOS!!), and much more, as I travel this journey to find that THIN GIRL WITHIN!!
Thanks for sharing the journey with me.
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